
houser avatar image
houser asked

Using the 12V 16VA Easy Solar in VRM?

Is it possible to use the 12V 1600VA Easy Solar in VRM over Internet with an external Colour GX?
I ask since the Easy Solar versions with a built-in GX is 24V only.
It would appear that the charger is different hardware that require a separate USB interface to be externally controlled.

So can the VRM be used at all at all with this unit with regards to the charging and inverting?

Many thanks!

EasySolar All-in-One
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3 Answers
anthony avatar image
anthony answered ·

@houser yes this is very much possible. If you add a Colour control GX or a Venus GX this will enable the Easy solar 12 or 24/1600 to be monitored/accessed on the VRM assuming an internet connection is available. Remember to add a VE direct cable so that the Blue solar MPPT 100/50 can be connected to the GX device of choice.

Also to correct your assumption that only the Easy solar 24/3000 has a build in full size Colour control as the Easy solar 48/5000 also has this feature. The new Easysolar II 48/3000 has the GX ports and features integrated into the chassis with a smaller on board display.

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houser avatar image
houser answered ·

Thanks Anthony, appreciate the answer!

So you are 100% sure that the also specifically the inverter/charger in the 12V Easy Solar will connect directly to the Colour GX and appear on the VRM? I ask again, since the Victron website has different mentions between the 12V Easy Solar and the bigger ones with a built in Colour GX.
I guess it could be because the Colour GX is built into the bigger units but just making sure before I order...;)

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anthony avatar image anthony commented ·

Yes I am 100% certain that specifically the inverter/charger in the 12V Easy Solar will connect directly to the Colour GX(via RJ45 cable) and appear on the VRM? And the MPPT charge controller can be connected to the CCGX also via a VE Direct cable and appear on the VRM.

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houser avatar image
houser answered ·

Excellent, thanks again Anthony!

So final question then:

What format does the Easy Solar Inverter/charger use in that RJ 45 cable you mention? In the system we are working on, there is already a BMV 712 that uses one RJ port already on the Colour GX.

So can the Easy Solar inverter and BMV 712 smart be connected simultaneously? Many thanks!

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