
kickus avatar image
kickus asked

VE.Can SmartSolar not showing up in Cerbo GX


I have a new setup which is failing to establish VE.Can communication with Cerbo GX and SmartSolar MPPT 250/100 MC4 VE.Can. The solar chargers are neither visible on VRM or in Cerbo GX console.

I want DVCC in use, in order to scale up with additional solar chargers while having a system-wide max charging current defined.

Please help - I'm running out of ideas. How can I get the Can devices visible? I have terminated the Can bus in both ends.









cerbo gxMPPT SmartSolarVE.Can
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @kickus

The cable you are using between the MPPT and GX device is a special and specific cable that is intended only for BMS-Can devices.

Replace it with a regular RJ45 CAT5e or CAT6 networking cable and it should work as expected.

You can tell by those white text labels at the ends.

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kickus avatar image kickus commented ·
Big thanks, that explains it! I’ll replace them and will accept the answer once I’ve confirmed the success.
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kickus avatar image
kickus answered ·

Thanks a lot, your advice solved my problem. I had missed that it was a non-standard ethernet cable, I had accidentally ordered them as VE.Can cables. Now my SmartSolar charge controllers are showing up in VRM as expected. 1720699625948.png

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