
john-boi avatar image
john-boi asked

Uk. Multiplus in parallell Domestic PV.

Looking to get a victron system to replace an existing G98 grid tied inverter and add battery.

Extra solar will be added in the coming years, DC coupled. I am at least, capable to do this part, myself.

I have looked at the multiplus range, and it looks like i can install a 48/3000 on the g98.

In the summer it will be fine, as the domestic load is never above 2kw's.

However, come winter i will need significantly more draw for shorter periods.

I think, I have 2 choices.

Put up with grid prices to make up the shortfall at dinner time, or utilise the batteries with a second, parallelled 48/3000.

This would cook dinner and heat the house from the bank without drawing from the grid at peak times.

It would also charge the 20+kwh bank faster.

It would require a G99 cgi-1 fast track.

what i want to know, is with inverters in parallel, does the victron kit, controllers, cerbo gx etc, automatically conform to the 3.68kw export limit, whilst simultaneously allowing the full 4.8kw to be accessed by domestic load?

Or would this require manual switching of some sort, via the app or on the inverter controls itself?

It may be more appropriate to ask if export to the grid, and supply for domestic use via a hybrid inverter happen in the same way On the same line, output or cable depending on the terminology. Is the energy outputted by the inverter on one single "channel".

for example 4kw is pushed from the inverter. if domestic demand for 4kw is present, it is used, and if the demand is not, it is exported.

Or, does export and domestic load happen on two different "channels" so to speak.

you set export at 3.68, but can have the inverters supply 4.8kw to domestic loads when called for.

This is just me trying to find out how the system would work. I am not an installer and would not be installing it, but i do like understanding function befoee having things installed.

Thank you

victron products
2 |3000

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1 Answer
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@John boi With the latest firmware the G98 G99 grid code was split to allow the e.g. a 5kVA system to be restricted to 3.68kW and comply with G98 when setting G98. This basically turns it into 3.68kW system. A G99 will make it a 4.4kW system which will have to be limited as required by the DNO. Consider a 10kVA which will save you a lot of headache and limit it to 3.68kW export or even 0. These are the questions I would have hoped your installer can answer as the installer will also have to do commisiong tests that has to be submitted to the DNO.

2 |3000

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