
Lukáš Svoboda avatar image
Lukáš Svoboda asked

Multiplus II terminal holes are too small and close

Hello I am connecting my 70mm2 cabel to DC terminals in Multiplus II. At first I thught I am doing it whole wrong. After consulting with many profesionals I got impression that noone at Victron used brain or user testing when designing these.

The screw is 3cm height while the edge of input hole is 2.7mm. The input hole is exactly same for the tiny AC cables as these are for thick DC cables.

It is impossible, without drilling, bending or without using other form of violence to connect cables and I am really dissapointed. Please tell me we are all doing it wrong.

Options I collected in community:
1. Drill larger whole to the lug (always because it has to enter under angle) or use M10 lug for M8 terminal, and
2. A) Unmount MP from the wall and maximize angle, or
2. B) Use brute-force, luck and flexibility.


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3 Answers
daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@Lukáš Svoboda 70mm2 shouldn’t be an issue you kind of have to connect them on the multi first before connecting it to anything else other wise it’s a pig. I managed to connect 120mm2 without issues on my multiplus 2 and my distro‘s Quattro 2 take your time and it does involve angling the cable but easy enough once the cable is free hanging

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Craig Chamberlain avatar image
Craig Chamberlain answered ·

I've got 70mm2 cable on my Multiplus-II and although it is quite tight, I did manage to connect the cables to the battery terminals. That said, I used extra flexible, fine cored cable and I wonder if you've maybe used a less flexible cable in which case it would be much harder.

Just be very careful if you do try to manipulate the cable lugs onto the terminals using force. It's fine to use force with your fingers to align the lug to the terminal but avoid applying any bending force to the terminal itself as these can break off the PCB. It's a delicate operation but can be done if you use flexible cable.


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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Yes its a bit of a fiddle, would be nice if if there was an slot so you could slide them in

However dont use m10 on a m8 post! It will give a bad connection!

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