
logic28 avatar image
logic28 asked

Temperature/humidity sensor

Everyone seems so keen on wireless temperature and humidity sensors but I want to use a basic wired system for this purpose since everything is happening inside the Solar Shed.

The Victron temp. sens. are running fine but can I connect a more basic humidity sensor to the Cerbo GX in the same way?


cerbo gx
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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Not with off the shelf components and native firmware.

Ruuvi works flawlessly on my system, it is not on a mission critical value so no concern using Bluetooth.

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logic28 avatar image logic28 commented ·
Thanks, I just don't like using wireless when it is totally unnecessary, I'm very much a "hardware person" but I guess the market is forcing us to do what they decide is best for them.
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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell logic28 commented ·
@Logic28 I agree with you, for my battery temperature compensation and other temperature control functions I have gone hard wired, but just accepted what is available when monitoring only.
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logic28 avatar image logic28 pwfarnell commented ·
Sure, for ambient temperature I don't see the need for any automatisation unless of course one needs aircon or indeed heating.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

Please @pwfarnell , can you give me a part number or a link?

How reliable is the bluetooth comm? Do you have them in direct sight, or must pass some walls?

In fact, I want to monitor the panels temperature, putting them on the back of the PVs and the signal must pass the concrete ceiling above which the PV are sitting, Cerbo being in the room below the ceiling.

Thank you!

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell Alex Pescaru commented ·

@Alex Pescaru I am using the Ruuvi Pro on my boat as they are more waterproof. These are in the same compartment as the USB Bluetooth dongle attached to the Cerbo.

At home I use the standard RuuviTag as the senders are indoors and have no trouble with Bluetooth as it only has to pass through wood and plasterboard walls and ceiling.

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru pwfarnell commented ·


"USB Bluetooth dongle attached to the Cerbo" ???

Why usb bt dongle? From what I recall, the Cerbo has an internal bt module...

Isn't it able to directly receive the Ruuvi sensors info?


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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell Alex Pescaru commented ·
@Alex Pescaru The early Cerbo's from 2020 had an issue of erratic Bluetooth reception and the way around was to add a USB Bluetooth dongle. The Cerbo since then has a more robust Bluetooth module. Also my boat is steel and 6mm steel bulkheads attenuate the signal, I can get reception through 1 bulkhead but not 2.
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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@Logic28 I’ve used the Shelly plus 1PM not sure if that’s any better via WiF?


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