
Barbara (Victron Energy) avatar image
Barbara (Victron Energy) asked

VRM summer theme + disable custom themes

If you use VRM in light mode, you might've noticed a little boat sailing the bottom of your screen.

After have custom themes for Christmas and Easter, we thought it would be nice to bring some summer vibes your way for the summer holidays to start.


Disabling custom themes

I can imagine that the custom themes aren't everyone's cup of tea though, so we have now also offered an option for you to disable whatever custom theme is active.

To do this, head over to preferences -> display preferences -> custom themes, and select 'disable custom themes'.

Wishing everyone a great summer!


VRMcustom themes
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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·

On an Android phone and IOS phone and Windows tab, I don't see the boat, only the tree even in landscape mode. See example. I haven't tried on PC. But not a big deal.



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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL Fideri commented ·
Same here on ios 17.0.2 iphone 15, boat has sunken, im stuck on the island…
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Barbara (Victron Energy) avatar image Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ Duivert NL commented ·
That's on purpose :-) We wanted to give the crab some space to move without the boat coming too close!
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL Barbara (Victron Energy) ♦ commented ·
@Barbara (Victron Energy) ah its ok then! ;)
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Trung avatar image Trung commented ·
Nice addition and change to the standard VRM background - more theme please.
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

It's raining on my inverter. Must be cos it's a British summer.

1 comment
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cardy01 avatar image cardy01 commented ·
Mine is using SCUBA .....
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