
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru asked

Question about forum habits and badges

Hi All,

Two small things about community behavior...


There are users that accepts answers on behalf of other users that have posted questions. Is this normal?

Meaning, I've posted a question and I've got several answers. Isn't it normal for me to decide which answer gets the approval? Meaning shouldn't it be normal that only the OP to be able to accept the answer? Others have the "Like" feature for that...


In the light of the above, I've seen users that have posted only 1-2 questions for the entire period since they are members and still have 30-40 golden "Seal of approval" badges. The explanation for the "Seal of Approval" badge is "User who accepts answers on 50% of questions they have posted".

How can this be true? 1-2 questions, so 50% will be 1 question and they have dozens of "Seal of approval" badges?



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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Alex Pescaru,

1. If all the original posters were reliabily using the accept answer feature then I agree it should not be necessary. But what often happens is they do not (most questions are answered and then not accepted by the original poster), and someone else finds the correct answer the most useful instead.

Everyone is also able to 'unaccept' an answer, so if the problem wasn't solved for the original person they can remove it again, but what happens in most cases I think is the problem is solved and they don't ever come back to say thanks, report the results and accept the winner.

So this is a compromise to let the wisdom of the crowd also express itself.

2. That does sound like a bit of a bug, do you have a link to an example or a screenshot?

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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru commented ·

Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

1. Understand and I appreciate / you are right about the suggestion of Unaccept.

2. Users - Sort by reputation - first N users. Being a gold badge, will also add a lot to the reputation, which, no offense, it's wrong, as it will add another's person merit to his/her reputation.


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Yup, that's a bug.

Low priority but thanks for raising it.

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regman54 avatar image
regman54 answered ·

I'll comment on your first point as I've never looked into how badges work.

Personally I could care less about badges but I do see value in readers marking posts as answered whether one has participated in the discussion or not. I see it more as a vote of usefulness. As an example I often come here looking for information for myself and if I find a post that answered or helped I'll mark it as answered without having to say "me too".

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

There is also a like/thumps up button for that.


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