
odhranoc14 avatar image
odhranoc14 asked

Connection stops at 80%

Hi everyone!

I have recently purchased a van, it has Orion smart, smart shunt and smart solar installed. These all come up on the Victron app for options to connect - however, at 80% it asks me for a pin, which the previous owner used 0000 for. I have tried this and every other simple combination, along with the PUK code to no avail! I am worried that the electric is not running properly in the van for some devices and would love some help on fixing this issue.

Does anyone know how to get past this first issue?? Thanks a lot in advance :)


smart solar set-up helpconnection issuecode
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

The default pin on older kit is 6 zeroes, not 4 zeroes as you typed.

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odhranoc14 avatar image odhranoc14 commented ·
I have tried six 0s too! Same issue. It simply re starts and loads to 80% again asking for the pin
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Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

@Odhranoc14 did the anwser from Kev solve your probem?

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odhranoc14 avatar image odhranoc14 commented ·
Unfortunately not!
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