
richardp avatar image
richardp asked

Do I need multiple Smart Battery Sense’s for multiple batteries?

Good afternoon all, I am planning a van setup and I am roughly following the Victron diagram for building my shopping list - leaving out what isn't necessary for myself.

I intend to have the following hardware in my setup:

2 x 150ah smart lithium's

1x Multiplus 12/800/35

1x Smart Solar 100/30

1x BMV 712 smart battery monitor

I have a question that I am struggling to find the information for:

I can see on the diagram that there is a 'Smart Battery Sense' on the battery.. So I am presuming that I will need one for each battery in my bank?

Many thanks for the help,


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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Richard. If you zoom in deeper to your link you might spot that batt isn't a 'smart' model.

Your shopping list seems good if that's what you desire. No reason you couldn't add kit later if you need either.

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richardp avatar image richardp commented ·

Thank you John. I didn't notice that detail.

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