Have installed 2 x quattros in parallel on a single phase offgrid system, with generator back up at AC in 1 and ~25kW Hydro in AC out 1. 4 x 15.4kWh BYD.
Diesel generator and system work great together, charging batteries and discharge without issue.
The hydro works OK when it takes on part of the loads but when charging the battery and covering all loads, we get oscillation and lights flickering. This does settle down but if a load comes on ~3kW or drops off, it causes some oscillation for about 20-30 seconds and the current jumps up and down before resettling again.
Additionally, the quattros do not like the controlled shutdown of the hydro. As the hydro backs off and the load returns to AC out, it forces the hydro to trip on over frequency.
Struggling to identify the reason for the oscillation when loads come on or off.
Weak AC selected helped a bit, UPS off made it worse again. PV assistant in place and hydro controller configured for frequency shifting.
Any ideas or suggestions for possible remedies would be really appreciated.