
pda1 avatar image
pda1 asked

Multiplus wont switch to grid

Refer to the attached Multiplus settings (PDF)

Multiplus settings July 2 2024 1709.pdf

I'm using a Multiplus 24/2000

Back ground- yesterday I made changes to the M+ settings to make it switch from invert to grid once the battery voltage reaches 25.2 for 20 seconds. It switched when those conditions were met.

(my question is below the photos at the bottom)

Here are the changes;

Virtual switch Tab- Usage---->dedicated ignore AC input (selected)


Virtual switch Tab- VS options----->


Virtual switch Tab- Ignore AC input----->


This morning the batteries were at about 25.8 vdc and using VRM, I manually switched the M+ from "On" (grid) to "Inverter only". As the battery voltage dropped down to 25.0 vdc the M+ didn't switch to grid even though it was set to switch at 25.2vdc.

Why didn't the M+ automatically switch to grid? Any idea?

Thank you

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @PDA1

Does it work as expected when you switch the MultiPlus to ON, and not Inverter Only?

Why did you set to Inverter Only mode? Considering your settings (the battery voltage being above 25.2V) then it should have already been ignoring the grid.

I'd suggest resetting the all those settings to default and using the Conditional AC input connection of VictronConnect instead. I find it much easier to use:


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