
alessandroparma avatar image
alessandroparma asked

Multiplus firmware upgrade

I have 12/1600/70 multiplus compact, serial: HQ15522TZB4, firmware version is v159, victron connect app needs v415 for compatibility, is this upgrade possible?

thank you

firmware update
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You need to remove the front panel to check the number on the chip on the main PCB.

If it starts with 18, 19 or 20 than your Multi has the old CPU and can't be updated to 4XX, the highest FW you can install there is 209.

It needs to start with 26 or 27.

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alessandroparma avatar image
alessandroparma answered ·

The number on the chip starts with 26, but App Victron Connect does not notify the update.

Can you help me?

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