Today, I exported my PV system's data from VRM but noticed that only the SmartSolar charger PV current data (for both my chargers) in the excel file was missing from 12:22 AM onwards. I know that the PV current is being recorded by the chargers because I can see the PV current data on VRM.
Using the remote console, I updated the CCGX firmware somewhere between 12:10 AM and 12:40 AM; the current firmware is v3.33 and previously, I think, it was v2.43. The firmware update probably happened around 12:22 AM because there is a gap in the data between 12:22AM and 12:25AM, after which it goes back to recording every minute (I've set the sampling interval to 1 minute), which I am presuming was caused by the update. I suspect that updating the firmware is the cause of the problem.
In case the information is relevant, I turned off one of the MPPT chargers using the VictronConnect around 12:50 AM.
Using the remote console, I've rebooted the CCGX but the problem still persists.