
julio-campos avatar image
julio-campos asked

No AC power out of inverter

Connected Multiplus inverter to VE Panel according to diagrams. All voltage going into from battery read good. There's no voltage on AC 1 on inverter or VE Panel. Any ideas?

ac out
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3 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi what multiplus and what panel are you using?

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julio-campos avatar image
julio-campos answered ·

Its MultiPlus 24/3000/70-50 120V connected to Victron VE panel.

The VE Panel comes preconfigured with all cables color coded so its kinda hard to make a mistake, Connected Battery cables to VE Panel and from VE Panel to Inverter batt inputs - as well as AC in and AC out. Connected MPPT to Battery Bus bar in the VE Panel and Solar panels to MPPT - its a simple set up.

I get all DC side readings on the battery side and Inverter side (26v) but i see no voltage at all on AC out. I have not connected a on shore power to AC in yet (Generator)

Thank you Duivert NL

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
What "VE panel" do you have exactly?

Can you please make some pictures of the devices and the wiring?

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julio-campos avatar image julio-campos Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Thanks Matthias. This is the set up. VE Panel is the section beneath the inverter. Comes prewired and i followed the schematic from Victron, I have no power AC reading from either AC Out 1 or 2 - there's voltage in DC section of the inverter (26v)

When i power it on - it buzzez and makes clicking noises, I have disconnected the AC load in this picture (next to the label GEN INPUT)


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img-8442.jpeg (1.3 MiB)
julio-campos avatar image
julio-campos answered ·

solved! it was simply a bad voltmeter - all good thank you all.

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