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mike-fts asked

BMV 700 Fuse detailled and completed Specs ?

Does somebody know the exact and completed specs of the BMV-700 1A fuse (attached to the positive red line) ? Is the normative "T" specification accurate enough ? 100 millisecond delayed, or longer ? .. and voltage drop specified (150mV or less ..??). Would a T 1,25A be better choice, and safe enough to protect the current monitoring electronic device ? Actually, what are the exact and completed specs list of the fuse ? Besides the specs, I ask myself why does it peridocally blow (is it specs non-compliance related ?) ? From observations, I suspect the long (high voltage) bulk phase (when it occurs) of my 400W solar panel (24 volts) to charge (MPPT 30A) a 24V 150Ah Gel battery .. (Shall I limit the bulk phase to a shorter time ?) . thanks ! Michel.

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