
sergio avatar image
sergio asked

BMV 600 can be install a bar indicator or percentaje indicator

hi Colleagues ,

I have an installation in a electric boat that uses th BMV 600 with 4 batteries of 260 ah/h, but the problem is that the data that shows this indicator is do much technical , I need to instal any batery indicator with bar indicator and percentaje , the question is : are any indicator like this ? I saw that the BMV 700 is more easy tha read and can have the app on mobile to see the capacity and more

thank you in advance


BMV Battery Monitor
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3 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@SERVITEK The bmv-712 is possibly the closest you will get with a small bar indicator on the SOC screen. Personally I find and prefer numbers more accurate, whereas visual indicators are nice, but often without enough granularity depending on the range a single bar represents.

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sergio avatar image
sergio answered ·

Hi , Thank you, for your help.

But on BMV 600 don t have a percentage in number , only have the voltage and for a people that not have experience or technical knolegments isn t easy avaluate how percentage have .

Are ther any bar or percentage number indicator , from other manufacturers

thank you


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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The BMV-600 also should show the %.
With the + and - buttons you can switch through the different values.


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