
t-roy avatar image
t-roy asked

SmartShunt not seeing solar charge

System is not calculating incoming solar. CCGX shows incoming and maintains batteries when an average idle usage of 250 watts. Current condition, MPPT floating, after evening draw the next day I'm pushing 750 solar watts until charged. Battery percentage stays at 0%. Screen shot from VRM remote console view.

Setup I have installed on my boat. Multiplus II, CCGX, MPPT, SmartShunt, fuse, 4 280Ah batteries, busbars and switch.

I've researched, changed the setup, but to no avail. Image is of my current setup. System charges and records properly when connected to shore power, except for solar.


Batteries wired parallel as labeled #1 to #2 to #3 to #4

Positive- Multiplus II to fuse to switch to busbar to battery #1. IP65 positive to #1 positive

Negative- Multilus II to IP65 to busbar to battery #4.

Tried to put as much info as I could here for easy diagnosis. I know it's simple but it has me stumped. 12v-setup.jpg

MPPT SmartSolarSmartShunt
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@T-Roy You have the solar neg and neg busbar on the battery side of the shunt.

Move the neg busbar and solar neg over to the multplus (SYSTEM) side of the shunt.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
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1000053865.jpg (232.4 KiB)
1000053866.png (81.6 KiB)
t-roy avatar image t-roy commented ·
So just move the negative busbar between the inverter and the shunt, and of course the negative from the shunt to the battery ground. Easy enough. Won't be on the boat until the 3rd but will be the first thing I do. Much appreciated and I will follow up as well. I tried several different recommended setups, including AI and just couldn't get it. Thank You!!
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ t-roy commented ·
Yes, the shunt has to have all the negatives going through it. Any that bypass it can't be measured.
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t-roy avatar image t-roy kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Awesome, thanks!!
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dchristmas avatar image
dchristmas answered ·

I don't think that's going to give you what you want. The batteries need to stay on the battery side of the shunt, and all the loads and charging wires need to move to the Multiplus side of the shunt. If you move the busbar wire you are also moving the negative battery connection. This would bypass the shunt all together.

I would move the busbar wire as stated above so all future connections are on the correct side of the shunt, but the battery neg wire needs to stay where it is on the shunt.

Keep in mind the only thing that should be on the batter side is the batteries, all other connections need to go through the shunt or else they will not be seen by the shunt.

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