
davidmoska avatar image
davidmoska asked

Charging problems with my multiplus Quatro

Hello everyone, someone can help me, I have a charging problem with my Quatro multiplis, I have the installation mounted on a motorhome, I connect AC external power and my GX screen never marks me charge, it always puts in Absorption or Float mode, and my batteries are never at 100%, you know what can be the problem thanks

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Does it connect? Mains light comes on?

I am assuming you dont have a rong tester or a GX here. Does the inverter change sound?

How is the unit programmed? This is the likely cause of what is happening. The set up is not programmed for your batteries or your use.

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davidmoska avatar image
davidmoska answered ·

hello good morning, sorry for the delay in answering but I am traveling and I do not always have internet, I explain;

The problem you see in the video, the batteries are at 100% but when they are at 70% the problem is the same, the system does not let them charge

Connects ; Yes

Mains light comes on: Yes

I have a GX system: yes

Change the sound of the inverter: Yes

How to program the unit : I don't know If you need When I bought the system I understand that it was programmed because everything worked correctly until it stopped working or rather stopped charging because the rest of the systems continue to work correctly ,Thank you for trying to help me

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