I want using the interface MK3-USB (VE bus to USB) to connect a multiplus (24I500I10) periphéral. I want to compute the charge of battery in percentage using an API in a local machine (kiosk) without network (airoport constraint).
It exists the VRM API but the problem is the impossibility to connect a remote server using the victron-connect application.
In an other side, I found this document (https://www.victronenergy.com/upload/documents/Technical-Information-Interfacing-with-VE-Bus-products-MK2-Protocol-3-14.pdf) that describe the interfacing with VE-but product MK2-protocol. In this case, we must use commands to get the device information. Is there a command th get the charge of battery in percentage?
Is there an api (java, c, ... etc) to compute these information ?
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,