
Ben Bos avatar image
Ben Bos asked

specs of PPP 40Ah differsfrom manual en prospect. what is true?

max loading voltage and amp.:

manual 14V and 40A

prospect: 14,2V and 20A

Thanks for answering

Ben Bos

Peak Power Pack
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2 Answers
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

As the PPP has no means in stopping the offered charge voltage/current the advise is to take enough margin to be sure all is going well (14.Vdc max), although the cells can handle a higher voltage (14.2Vdc)

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Ben Bos avatar image
Ben Bos answered ·


I understand the manual is wrong about loading power. must be max. 20A confirm the data sheet?

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Related Resources

Peak Power Pack Product Page.

Peak Power Pack Manual PDF.

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