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mikkoh asked

BMV-712 settings with VictronConnect

I have multiple instances of identical set-ups, where the BMV-712 Smart is monitoring a pair of lithium batteries. I would like to use a single set of settings and load them to the individual BMV-712 devices with the VictronConnect app.

I have been able to save the settings to a file, modify the settings with the demolibary version, and load the modified settings back to the original device with the VictronConnect app, but when trying to load the settings to a different individual device the attempt fails with the error message:

"Error loading file: #1 Settings file not for this product"

I have made sure that the firmware versions are identical between the individual BMV-712s

Is it possible to use the VictronConnect to quickly share the settings this way with BMV-712s? The VictronConnect manual says that it is possible at least with some devices:

"The demo library can be a great tool for an installer to create a set of settings, and then share it to a customer whom can then apply it to their product." But maybe this does not apply to the BMVs?



BMV Battery MonitorVictronConnect
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