
stokie77 avatar image
stokie77 asked

Victron Portal showing Inaccurate values in Realtime Mode

I've got a couple of Victron charge controllers connected to my Easy Solar 2, and lately I've been noticing the VRM Portal is showing only 234 Watts coming in via the hydro turbine, and after trying to figure out what was wrong, I went in to check the Smart Solar (Hydro) unit directly with my phone's bluetooth, and it was actually pushing in 734W.

On careful checking of the portal again, I noticed that the AC load is 324W and still, 239W is going in to the battery. So it looks like the portal is somehow not reporting the actual Watts coming in.

Any thoughts as to why this could be?

I checked the colourful Remote Console readout as well, and the Smart Solar unit isn't even shown to exist. Strange.

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stokie77 avatar image stokie77 commented ·

My devices list now includes the Smart Solar unit, which it didn’t last night. Also, the hydro via the Smart Solar charger watts are accurate again on the Portal.

img-2401.jpegHowever, the maths still don’t add up; the 2 charge controllers’ input, minus the Load, should equal the Watts going into the battery, minus 50W or similar for inverter running draw. Something is still amiss. I’ll try and attach a screenshot.

Any thoughts?

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img-2401.jpeg (420.0 KiB)
2 Answers
jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

Have you any DC Loads applied? You can activate "show DC consumption".

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stokie77 avatar image stokie77 commented ·
I looked around the portal but couldn't see the "show DC consumption".

Any thoughts?

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jetlag avatar image jetlag stokie77 commented ·
You can activate this option in Settings -> System Setup -> Has/show DC System

Then it should be shown in the flow overview in the remote console. In my VRM it is not displayed either... Tried already some settings, but it is not there.

Nevertheless, this is only a calculation of the differences between all inputs and all outputs.

So it is not a real measuremet. But in the end you should know if you have some consumer connected direclty to the battery DC system.

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dognose avatar image
dognose answered ·

Since the last update 1day ago, my VRM is missing 2 / 6 BMS entities and 5/16 Tempsensors claim to never be updated, while local values are fine.

Guess needs some time to settle.

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