
jeffp123 avatar image
jeffp123 asked

Why is the multiplus information outside of the diagram on the VRM?

Hi Everyone - its my first post so please be gentle, (I might not have posted my question / request in the right place for example)

My VRM recently updated, I like the new look. I was thinking though, why is the multiplus box stuck at the bottom of the diagram? Surely this info should be placed in the middle box?

Attached screen shot for clarity.

All the best!


widget vrm
vrm-multi.png (295.8 KiB)
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @jeffP123,

It's a bit of a strange reason, but I will try to explain how it got like this.

That bottom section of the VRM dashboard is actually intended for systems with multiple batteries and multiple battery monitors.


In most installations it will not be shown as it is in your screenshot, and isn't expected to be shown.

In your system, you actually only have 1 battery bank, but there are two different 'readings' on it, one from the MultiPlus, and another from the lithium battery BMS.

In other systems such as on a boat there might be a starter battery, a bow thruster battery, a main loads battery, and even more. Then we need to allow for this extra space. The VRM doesn't actually know it's 'MultiPlus data', it's just seen as another battery meter reading (for the purposes of this box).

If you'd like to hide it, you can go into the GX device remote console, then Settings -> System setup -> Battery Measurements -> Set MultiPlus to Hidden

If you perfer the extra information, it's also fine to keep it. The design intention is that what it displays is better expressed in all the other values on the dashboard.


I can understand why you might want it more organised, but this is one of those situations where the VRM dashboard needs to be flexible to cater to many different system types and needs to be able to accommodate them all.

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