
kalcic avatar image
kalcic asked

3 Victron Multiplus-II in 3 phase conf

3 Victron Multiplus-II in 3 phase configuration will not start after power failure, battery is charged.

After night grid lost I cannot switch on any of them

Multiplus-II3 phase
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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Please properly detail your system, there is nothing here anyone can comment on due to the sheer lack of information.

Be clear, and specific.

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kalcic avatar image
kalcic answered ·

3 Victron MultiPlus-II 48V/5000VA/70A, MPPT 150 | 70 - Tr VE.Can (+ 6 panels AS-6 M144-HC 465W), MPPT 250 | 85 - Tr VE.Can (+ 8 panels) , Cerbo GX, ELERIX EX-S5 48V/5kWh, LiFePO4, BMS.


img-4763.jpeg (2.7 MiB)
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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You have 15kVA of inverter running off that small (unsupported) battery that is never going to work well.

Start by checking what the BMS is reporting.

What are the restart parameters set on the inverters?

What errors did/does the GX report?

What firmware on the cerbo/inverters?

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