
NJ A avatar image
NJ A asked

Can you get an S+ signal from a MTTP 100/50 Solar controller?

Hi, I have a 100/50 MTTP controller currently used to charge a Lifepo4 battery In our Motoehome. I have lots of spare solar capacity and would like to redirect the excess energy to the fridge which has a S+ signal cable. MTTP and battery are also connected to a CerboGX. Is this possible? TIA

Phoenix Smart Charger ip43
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Not sure what S+ is.

But if you connect the fridge to the load terminals on the MPPT, you will have control in a fashion. The load terminals provide battery voltage, but switch off at a voltage you define. If you set the switch off voltage slightly below float, the fridge will be able to use the surplus.

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