
abeness avatar image
abeness asked

Forum seems to be broken

I tried to post a report while logged in and received the following:


I then tried signing out, and when I signed back in I saw a similar message:


Has anyone else been experiencing this?

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4 Answers
abeness avatar image
abeness answered ·

Of course this one worked. Hrm. Kinda tired of rewriting the one I'm actually trying to post!

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

This is usually caused by server issues. I've passed it on for you.

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abeness avatar image abeness commented ·

Thanks, kevgermany. I think the issue may be a workflow one: I had started from Home instead of Q&A, and selected Q&A as destination forum in the Post form. That failed twice. When I started from Q&A and accessed the Post Question form, it worked. Perhaps this can be a clue for the forum developers.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

It happens from time to time and is one of the many gripes from those of us that help steward the forum.

Fingers-crossed that some change might be coming.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Victron is aware of the performance issues and is already looking to switch to another software.

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