
Sander Stolk avatar image
Sander Stolk asked

Dynamic ESS Green mode with DBUS mqtt solar

I have enabled DESS today in Green Mode but I'm uncertain if this dbus-mqtt service is messing up things with the "phases" as seen in the attached image.

Quick explanation:

I have a 35A main fuse in the house and only 1 phase.

I have 3 AC bound solar inverters. 1 on the front off the house, 1 on the shed and 1 on the other side of the roof.

All three solar inverters are not officilly bound to the VRM by modbus or other options.

I made a Node-Red implementation that combines all the three solar inverters into the DBUS mqtt services. L1 is the front inverter, L2 is the shed and L3 the roof.

But here is the deal: The Victron thinks in this overview that I have a 3 phase grid connection.

There is, as far I know, not an option to make three individual PV inverters via the DBUS mqtt services without duplicate VRM id's.

Is this bad for the analysis and algorithm of DSS to have my solar PV inverters like this implemented?


dynamic ess
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3 Answers
Sander Stolk avatar image
Sander Stolk answered ·

This is a actual overview with all the phases where L2 and L3 from PV Solar are matching with AC Loads L2 and L3:1719126473156.png

1719126473156.png (137.3 KiB)
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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi i think it does mess up things… you could also think about placing Carlo Gavazzi energy meters to measure and calulate PV then it will work as it should

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Sander Stolk avatar image
Sander Stolk answered ·

That's true however it is a solution of around 350 euro's only to measure PV for the dashboard. I think I'm going to merge the three phases to one and miss my other monitoring just to let DESS do it's thing. Unless there is somebody that can instruct me how to have three instances on a single phase system.

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