
ricardodomingos avatar image
ricardodomingos asked

Why multi rs is float charging the battery when BMS has disabled charging?

The multi rs charged the battery has normal to 100%, then it stays idle, when the battery dropped to 99% it started charging in float mode, i can see in the cerbo remote console the BMS has set charge current to zero, where it should only charge it drops below 95%?

can this damage my LiFePO4 battery? how do i disable this float charging?1719048843746.png

Lithium BatteryBMSMulti RS
1719048843746.png (78.0 KiB)
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Check in vrm advanced and see how balanced the cells are.

The main pack voltage will not rise as the system is not bulk charging so there is unlikely to be damage.

What you will probably see if you watch for long enough is a few amps in and out as cells balance.

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ricardodomingos avatar image
ricardodomingos answered ·
I think i have found the solution. I forget to mention it was a new installation of the multi rs upgrading from a growatt inverter.

the battery pack has built in BMS, i enabled DVCC with control from battery BMS, now it looks like its working properly the multi rs charger switched to external control.

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