
ripper avatar image
ripper asked

Feature request: Signal or Load on when float is reached on MPPTs

Would think it is easily done with software and could be one more program in the load menu. Load comes on when float is reached and shuts off when it cant be held.

Not as crude of an approach to opportunity loads as via voltage and primarily the (lead) batteries are charged which is obviously vital to their health. Ideally also an independant 5V high signal on the RX TX pins can be given out for intermediate builds with Arduino for more versatility while float is active.

Mine is adjusted via voltage to protect the batteries to power the Arduino and the loads which then switches the loads accordingly. To find out whether float is reached I have glued a light sensor on top of the float LED. Works, but could be so much easier with a lot of use for others who want to heat water et cetera.

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

It already exist, but only with the larger size MPPT's that have an integrated relay output;

Unfortunately it seems that these options are NOT currently available for the smaller MPPT's, even with the addition of a VE.Direct TX cable.

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ripper avatar image
ripper answered ·

Did not know that, thanks. All the more possible it looks to me then.

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der-wu avatar image
der-wu answered ·

Would be so good to get a "float-signal" on one of the Pins! But I like your solution with the light sensor :) I might do something like this too.

But is there any hope for this option coming with a firmware update in future?

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