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Lynx Smart BMS NMEA instance ID


I have a Cerbo GX (v 3.33) and 2 Lynx Smart BMS 500 (v1.06) on the VE.Can bus, one for each battery bank (24v and 48v). Cerbo is also linked to the boat's NMEA network using the VE.Can micro C male cable.

No other victron equiment on the VE.Can, others are connected to the Cerbo using VE.Bus or USB.

I'm using SignalK of the Venus large OS and both my 24v and 48v batteries are under the same path electrical.batteries.0

Using the VictronConnect app and connecting to the 24v BMS (under setting, product info), I changed the NMEA instance ID but didn't reflect in SignalK.

Using the Cerbo GX screen, I checked the NMEA instance ID (under Settings/Services/Ve.CAN port/Devices/[My 24v BMS]/Device instance) was correctly changed (and even changed it again from there) but didn't reflect in SignalK

When I run dbus-spy on the Cerbo and go to the 24v BMS, I can see that DeviceInstance and Devices/0/DeviceInstance are both equal to 1 whereas I set 3 using the VictronConnect app and Cerbo GX UI. I'm sure I'm looking at the right BMS.

SSHing into the Cerbo and using this command :

root@victron:~# candump can0 | /usr/lib/node_modules/signalk-server/node_modules/@canboat/canboatjs/bin/candumpanalyzerjs | grep 127508
{"canId":435295273,"prio":6,"src":41,"dst":255,"pgn":127508,"timestamp":"2024-06-20T12:04:12.368Z","input":["  can0  19F21429   [8]  00 84 0A F0 FF FF FF CF"],"fields":{"Instance":0,"Voltage":26.92,"Current":-1.6,"SID":207},"description":"Battery Status"}
{"canId":435295274,"prio":6,"src":42,"dst":255,"pgn":127508,"timestamp":"2024-06-20T12:04:12.983Z","input":["  can0  19F2142A   [8]  00 7F 14 FC FF FF FF EF"],"fields":{"Instance":0,"Voltage":52.47,"Current":-0.4,"SID":239},"description":"Battery Status"}

I can see that the instance ID is 00 when the Cerbo can0 receives the 127508 PGN (src: 41). I can confirm that src: 41 is the 24v BMS from CerboGX UI and dbus-spy.

What am I doing wrong ?



cerbo gxNMEA 2000 - N2KSignalK
2 |3000

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