
mhayball avatar image
mhayball asked

VRM Multiplus alarm rule

I have set a Multiplus II alarm rule to monitor charge state, but I want to remove it as I only used it for temporary testing. When clicking on the ‘plus’ symbol in the Alarm Rules page for this rule there is no option to modify or delete the rule. Has anyone found a workaround for this?

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3 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

You should be able to disable the rule under the advanced/Alarm rules page.

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mhayball avatar image mhayball commented ·
I don’t see Alarm rules under Advanced, mine are under Settings but there is no disable function
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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

There should be a delete option at the bottom of the options when you expand the details with the + symbol, its a long list so you have to scroll down. The only other thought I have is are you the admin on your installation.


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mhayball avatar image mhayball commented ·

I don’t have any options at all for the Multiplus. When I click on the expand + below is what I get.


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mhayball avatar image mhayball commented ·
Yes, I checked and have admin rights for my installation.
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Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·


What Venus firmware version are you running? Mine is definitely similar to @pwfarnell's. See screenshot. Look under VRM>Settings>Alarm rules. In my opinion, the delete button should read "delete alarm rule" as simply "delete alarm" could mean something else.



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mhayball avatar image mhayball commented ·
Great idea as I have been running the beta version. I reverted from beta v3.40~30 to official v3.33 but this didn’t change anything. However you got me thinking and I am also running the beta version of VRM. Reverted back to the official release of VRM and there is now the ability to delete the rule, so thank you very much as I wouldn’t have thought of this.

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) is this an error that Victron is aware of in the beta version of VRM?

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I'm not aware and will pass it on, thanks
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