
Benjamin Greene avatar image
Benjamin Greene asked

Pv Current/Power/Voltage on EasySolar-II

I am trying to see the Voltage/Current/Power out of my Easysolar-II.

I can see it on the android app (via bluetooth) so it is available somewhere.

I am trying to get it from the device directly via either MQQT or modbus.

When I look into the MQQT content I do not see any PV information.


I also look into the modbus content can can't see anything.

I assume the MQQT and modbus are coming from the internal GX device. Is that ccrrect?

It feels like the internal MPPT Solar Charge Controller is not connecting to the GX device so the relevant data is not available on the GX.


I was looking at this diagram (from here:

It feels like the VEDirect bus is not pushing data to the GX device. BUT that is me guessing

Any help or directions would be very much appreciated.

EasySolar All-in-One
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5 Answers
Benjamin Greene avatar image
Benjamin Greene answered ·

Should I expect to see the MPPT on this screen


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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@Benjamin Greene Do you have a Ve Direct cale connecting your mppt and GX device?

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Benjamin Greene avatar image
Benjamin Greene answered ·

I don't have a cable I can see for that. I'm working the understanding that there is an mppt and gx inside the easysolar-ii. And I am expecting that to have a direct cable in place between them . Would that be a correct assumption?

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Benjamin Greene avatar image
Benjamin Greene answered ·

This screen seems to be missing the built in MPPT.


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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

@Benjamin Greene A couple of things to check.

Re boot the GX to see if the mppt shows up.

Mppt via Victron Connect, in settings check that the TX port function is set to "normal".

Lastly check that the Ve Direct cable is properly fitted into the GX and mppt, as per this post.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

You'll have to take the cover off. Be careful, there's a cable to the display mounted in the cover. Also live mains voltage. Check the Comms cable from the MPPT is plugged in properly at both ends.

If you're not sure, just get the unit to your dealer.

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