
russ avatar image
russ asked

Ess minimum soc ignored?

Multiplus 2/5000 with 25khw of pylontech. Using ess I set min soc @ 40%. This works fine. Occasionally, I want to discharge more deeply, eg, because my wholesale tarrif is unusually high and I am prepared to risk running out in the event of an outage.

But I've found that setting min soc to 30 for example is ignored, and I am drawing from the grid, with the battery sitting at 40%.

Is there some other limit I need to check?



(venus 2.90)

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Could be active SOC if you are using battery life. Confirm nothing else is showing like sustain?

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4 Answers
russ avatar image
russ answered ·

Ok, sorted.

I found I had a 40% soc set in veconfig.

Must have been leftover from my previous agm battery.

I also updated the ess assistant and venus to 3.33

Now down to 30 as set. 49.1v

Thanks for the pointers.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

is battery life on? this can prevent a lower SOC

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russ avatar image
russ answered ·

Battery life not on. No other indicators, except for a low battery alarm at 48.75 (I see previous alarms at various voltages, 48.42, 48. 94 etc. But they don't seem to align with the 40% limits.)

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Maybe voltage drop under load then.

With ESS what are your dynamic cut off voltages?

Is the pylon set as the system battery monitor?

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lifeingalicia avatar image
lifeingalicia answered ·

If you have low bat alarms before 40% check if bats are balanced it would be logical for the system to ignore SOC if low bat alarm. VE settings? 48.75 would be around 15% SOC...

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