
navoye avatar image
navoye asked

BMS charging cut off + DVCC + DC Load

System with DVCC, shunt as DC Loads(no inverter), BMV712 for SOC and Cerbo. I wonder how the system will behave when the BMS sends information to Cerbo about the need to turn off charging (low temperature or other error) and the DC loads will still consume current. Will DVCC in Cerbo take into account DC Loads and set Smart Solar to meet the needs of it or will it completely disable charging?

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4 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Assuming fully compatible BMS.

The BMS makes the decision.

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navoye avatar image
navoye answered ·

Are you sure? Do you know where I can find any documentation of this? I understand BMS doesn’t allow to charge but in this situation discharge is still allowed so why drain battery when there is sun power… that’s why I was thinking DVCC will adopt to fill DC load.

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rotevery avatar image
rotevery answered ·

I think if BMS sends any trip signal to DVCC, all charging will stop. The Smart Solars will not do any charging until they are reset. Discharge will take place as long as the BMS does not shut down the batteries. DVCC will not adopt to fill DC load.

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rotevery avatar image
rotevery answered ·

I guess there's a difference between BMS sending a 100% SOC status to DVCC and BMS sending a trip signal (low temperature or other error) to DVCC.

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