
Robert avatar image
Robert asked

FIXED* MultiPlus v552 Update and no connection to BMS v2

Hello, after installing the v552 Firmware to my MP the Charger stays in absorbtion or float.

Generator runs, but the SOC goes still down.

In the CCGX Display shows me, no BMS.

What can i do?1000052917.jpg

Best regards Robert 1000052918.jpg


BMSfirmware updateDVCC
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4 Answers
Robert avatar image
Robert answered ·

Hello, a few hours later with running generator nothing really happened.

SOC still goes low.

And nomore passtruh (Durchleiten)

Best regards Robert


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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

I've been saying this a lot lately - why are you updating firmware on healthy systems? There is no need to constantly upgrade unless you need what is in it.

It is not a mobile phone.

Did you restore your settings after the update - as it gets wiped and the most common issue is end users who fail to reload the config properly, something which is very easy to check.

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Andi avatar image Andi commented ·

Ich zum Beispiel aktualisiere das System wegen dem DESS. Weil deswegen ja auch schon oft die SW des Multiplus nachgebessert wurde.

Aber hier von dem v551 und v552 hab ich diesmal auch die Finger davon gelassen.

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Robert avatar image
Robert answered ·

Hello, i finally installed the new BMS V2 yesterday.

In this case i thought it makes sense to bring the MP to the newest version.

I will check the configuration tomorrow.

Maybe it's only a small thing....

Best regards Robert

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Robert avatar image
Robert answered ·

Hello, my system works again.

After the update were some settings for the MP wrong.

With VE. Config. i change the wrong settings.

Best regards Robert

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