
mfred68 avatar image
mfred68 asked

Charging batteries settings with multiplus ii

I'm trying to figure out what parameters I should put in the "charger" tab of my multiplus ii,

I have checked the lithium batteries box and have selected lifepo4,

But im not sure what voltages I should put in the absorption and float boxes, as my battery specification only states fast charge and float charge but not absorption, and ine multiplus does not have a fast charge voltage box.

I have uploaded a photo of my battery specs. 1000037456.jpg

Multiplus-IIbattery charging
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Fast charge represents highest voltage to be used. This is the highest you can set the absorption voltage.

Set absorption between that and float, reducing it to keep the charge current under the max permitted.

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