
diederik avatar image
diederik asked

Bluetooth missing

Hi all,

I tried to connect via Bluetooth to my MulitPlus-II with the VictronConnect app but made an error in the pin code. After that I kept getting the message that another phone was connected.

I disabled/enabled Bluetooth via the console, adjusted the PIN code. Nothing worked until I now no longer see my MultiPlus appearing in the list of devices.

Not via the app on my phone, not via the laptop with VictronConnect.

How do I get this back in order?



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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Do you have a vrm account? It should be visible in victron connect under the vrm side.

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diederik avatar image
diederik answered ·

Yes, I do have a VRM account. I can see the MultiPlus-II which is online.
Clicking on it, under overview there's my name and ID. Under devices I can only see my MPPT.

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diederik avatar image
diederik answered ·

A reboot fixed it.

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