
wizardwc avatar image
wizardwc asked

Building my caravan setup


Was hoping this community can help me design and make recommendations for my upcoming caravan setup. Please refer to the image I have provided that shows the basic setup I am planning but I want to know what other components I should/must have to optimise the system.

I plan to have:

- 800w solar array on the roof of the caravan

- MPPT to suite

- 12v/5000 multiplus 2 inverter

- 2 x Voltx 300ah lithium batteries wired in parallel for 12v output

- Cerbo GX and GX Touch 70 for monitoring

Do I need a separate BMS? The Voltx do have their own BMS

I've seen many installs with Lynx Distributers, are these required?

What about safety switched for the mains power, do I need:

- one between the mains input and the inverter

- after the inverter and loads

- both of the above

I plan to run all power points, fridge, microwave, TV and air con from the inverter (not all at the same time obviously).

I am not installing a dc to dc charger.

Any help/recommendation would be greatly appreciated.


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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Best talk to a dealer to do this properly. But a couple of comments.

I don't think there is a 5K inverter that uses 12V. In any case use a multiplus which will allow you to charge/run from an external hookup as well.

Batteries in series gives 24V.

If you have 12V loads, use an Orion converter.

Is there space for 800W of panels?

Size the MPPT using Victron's online MPPT calculator, there's not enough information here to recommend one.

Make sure your wiring is properly sized. Especially the battery cables.

You show a Cerbo. The GX models of multiplus have this functionality built in. But it's less powerful and has fewer connections points.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

As already suggested, best to find a competent supplier.

As per our guidelines, we don’t encourage broad design topics on the community.

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