
mgailly avatar image
mgailly asked

Multiplus II GX and timed discharge

Is there anyway to tell the multiplus to discharge the battery into AC-In for feedin to the grid at night, i.e. starting at 19h00 to reqch a low SOC level.

Having issue to feed-in to the grid the excess solar production when the sun shine, so 50% of solar enrgy production flow to battery during the day and we need to have battery with SOC 10 % in the morning to accept solar production of next day.

battery charging
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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

If you have ESS running you can do that with scheduled charging

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John Mitchell avatar image
John Mitchell answered ·

You can set up assistants to do this based on SOC or load. But ideally you would use ESS - to do that you need to meter your grid connection. Then ESS can make decisions based on time of use or even live pricing in some countries. You can also do this with Node Red.

See this thread with my similar question

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