
liam123456 avatar image
liam123456 asked

Smart shunt Placement

Hi All,

where would be the correct place to put a smart shunt to monitor battery percentage, i have two battery's in the van one starter battery for the van and a leisure battery, this is the one i want to monitor, at the moment the leisure battery is grounded to the van battery and that is grounded to the chassis, a 5m positive goes to the rear of the van where the bus bar and fuse box is, this section is grounded to chassis also, do i put the shunt to point 1 off the battery or point 2 off of the bus bar and fuse box closest to the 12v load.


cheers in advance.

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Directly into the negative of the battery you want to monitor. In this case the negative of the leisure battery is the correct placement.

Nothing else connects before it by the negative terminal. Not the charger nor the ground nor the loads.

See the quick install manual under related resources box.

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