
harlov avatar image
harlov asked


Please need clarity/explanation on exactly what the "CONFIGURED FOR VE.BUS BMS" setting in VEConfig does, as it offers no documentation on it.

My current assumption is that it is its required when using a Victron Smart Lithium batteries, that are intended to be used together with the Victron VE.Bus and BMS v2?.

Although (if my assumption is correct), would still like to know more on exactly what it does when activated.


VEConfigure 3
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


It is simply a preset. Yes, designed specifically for the victron ve bus bms as labelled. No explanation needed - have victron batteries and bms - use it. Do the commissioning test.

Now you don't have to go through the whole set up of an assistant like on previous firmware.

FYI the ve bus firmware change log has more information on the development of function that was introduced in Fw 489.

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