
sailordog47 avatar image
sailordog47 asked

Erratic Solar Power Charging


I have a brand new solar installation on my boat with 3 450 watt Bauer panels, 2 460 ah Epoch Lifepo, 3 Victon charge controllers, Cerbo GX and touch panel. I have minimal power draw so the solar panels should easily keep the batteries fully charged. However, the charge percentage is declining day by day with minimal output from the panels. With direct sunlight I observed 850 watts output for a short time. On a cloudy day I saw 450. But generally, there is very little power going into the batteries. Also, the panels are outputting differently, with often only one panel delivering power even though they’re all getting the same sunlight. The batteries are wired together in a “master/slave” configuration. The panels are independently wired with each having its own controller. Attached are a few screenshots from the past few days with sun or light cloud. Any advice on the likely cause of the erratic output//charging would be much appreciated

thank you





battery chargingMPPT SmartSolar
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
@Sailordog47 You might want to sort out your time zone as producing solar power at midnight looks odd.

Conversely, producing low power after 4pm looks normal.

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


....wiring problems and connections aside...

It is likely the rebulk offset.

What are the battery needs(charge voltage)? How are the victron components programmed? Are all the components up to date?

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