
Matic Kunaver avatar image
Matic Kunaver asked

EM540 Grid meter in dashboard

I have installed EM540 grid meter and I am not sure how to configure it correctly. It show AC consumptions, but nothings shows on the GRID side. SolarEdge is reporting production correctly.

Also why is generator showing in my dashboard (I dont have it enabled in settings). Can I get rid of it?

I have EM540 configured as 3 phase grid metter in settings.

Would love to see total AC Input.

Any help appreciated.screenshot-2024-06-12-at-112436.png

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2 Answers
josecokem avatar image
josecokem answered ·

when you do not have a battery and the multiplus OFF you cannot see ac input in the vrm portal, but you can see it if you connect to the cerbo IP with a web browser. Victron says is normal bc is an unsupported configuration, but for me really does not make too much sense, but this is the way this works.

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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

victron systems are designed to work with battery, not with grid

so right now your running an unsupported setup, wich causes these errors

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