
egen avatar image
egen asked

adapter 4 MultiPlus 24/800 & psw


I have a question about MultiPlus 24/800.

I want to buy the same one for home.
What is needed to program MultiPlus 24/800 for different types of batteries?
I read that a password is required for programming.
Where can I get this password?
Is it so?
Can I change battery settings via VictronConnect?
Which adapter should I use for programming? Price/quality?

Thank you!

battery chargingLithium Batterymultiplus ve.busAGM Battery
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1 Answer
cardy01 avatar image
cardy01 answered ·

To use Victron Connect on a mobile device MK3-USB-C

I have never needed a password to do basic configuration like set battery type

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Related Resources

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VictronConnect VE.Bus charging manual  

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Battery Compatibility

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