
mattoesaurito avatar image
mattoesaurito asked

Cyrix-ct: start assist & bidirectional questions

Hi there guys. I wanted to ask two questions and thought to write them together so not to take much space on the platform.

1. I don't understand very well the bidirectional function of the cyrix-ct, what does it mean? That when the leisure battery is more charged than the engine one, the cyrix closes and lets the engine one charge?

2. I'm preparing for a trip and wanted to be ready in case to use the start assist. But I can't run another cable from the relay to the leisure battery. In case I need the function, can't I just connect with a wire the 86 and the 30 together for the time needed to start the van?

Cyrix Battery Combiner
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1 Answer
mattoesaurito avatar image
mattoesaurito answered ·

Too much of a newbie question? :(

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