
psdejager avatar image
psdejager asked

Setting "grid setpoint" between 2 value's possible?

Would it be possible to set the "grid setpoint" between 2 values?
so like between 0w and minus -14kW (3 phase system with max 17kW total power)

This way my PV system pushes everything on the network and the battery only gets charged when power gets above 14kW so the circuit-breakers don't pop.

gridsetpoint moving on its own
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

This usually done through limit feedback under feedback options.

Are you trying to force feedback? Ess usually dynamically changes the grid set point based on what your solar is doing balancing between feedback and feeding loads.

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psdejager avatar image
psdejager answered ·

I have 3x25A phase grid connection
1 12000 3 phase invertor
and 3 single-phase investors (5000 2000 and 1500)

So I like to protect the first single phase by limiting to 24 A

by not charging the battery full so it can charge when Amps go above 24A

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