
syllesyl avatar image
syllesyl asked

smart battery protect + inverter with 24 batteries in series

Hi all,

I´m really new to all this so bear with me, but I think I ran into the smart battery protect (12/24 100) and inverter problem.

Right now I have the sbp installed between the batteries and the inverter (positive wire connects the two), and luckily I haven´t turned on the system yet.

My question is: since I have two 12 v batteries in series (24 v), can I then just install the smart battery protect on the negative and positive on the batteries, which are not directly wired to the inverter? so to avoid "contact" between the two.
Im guessing not since it all is still in circuit, but worth to ask.

And if anyone has other suggestions feel free to throw them in!

Thanks for any advice


Battery Protect
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Have another look at the smart battery protect, it is uni directional (see the product page linked in additional resource) and should not be used on an inverter charger.

Is your inverter an inverter only or inverter charger?

Also get a battery balancer as well.

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