
mfred68 avatar image
mfred68 asked

What if my 3rd party batteries are not compatible?

I have yet another problem, I bought 48v 7kw Rahvolt batteries, because they were cheap, only £600 each , I bought 6 of them and have 42kwh of storage.

The batteries do work on the multiplus but they dont show up on the devices list. So the cerbo isn't seeing them. I have yet to try a type a and type b cable, at the moment I've only tried a straight network cable. But what if I can never get these batteries seen by the cerbo gx? Am I doomed or can the lynx shunt take over the battery management instead? I jave the lynx shunt, but so far that too isn't seen by the cerbo, I'll try a different network cable next.

cerbo gxVE.Canlynx shunt48v battery
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4 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Straight cables almost never work, but you can use a regular shunt or lynx shunt, how is your lynx shunt connected to cerbo?

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mfred68 avatar image mfred68 commented ·
My lynx shunt is connected via a straight network cable to the cerbo ve can and a terminator on both open can ports. Could my cable be faulty, as I read that straight cables work.
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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You need to run them as "dumb" batteries via a shunt. Not ideal but it works, just requires some careful configuration.

It is the battery manufacturers responsibility (for unsupported batteries) to provide support for any connectivity or subsequent issues.

A common mistake is for people unfamiliar with the environment, to assume that anything with a CAN port can communicate with each other. They fail to understand that CAN is the underlying transport, what matters is the messaging sent over the link, which is proprietary.

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mfred68 avatar image mfred68 commented ·
At least I still have the shunt option as a last resort. And Rahvolt have supplied charging voltage specifications so that will help me (I hope) To set it up.
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mfred68 avatar image
mfred68 answered ·

1000037216.jpg1000037215.jpgImage CaptionAm I in luck? I have made a type A bms can cable and connected my Rahvolt batteries, and I'm getting a result as in the attached picture, but for some reason it states Pylontech as yhe battery brand. Is this the actual brand of my Rahvolt batteries?

Also now that I have a soc % readout, where does this leave my lynx shunt, is this now redundant?

1000037216.jpg (319.4 KiB)
1000037215.jpg (346.3 KiB)
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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Many battery manufacturers clone Pylontech comms because so many inverters have Pylontech protocols incorporated as standard, this makes it easy for them to be used.

You may or may not need your shunt, if these were Pylontech batteries with well proven SOC reporting you could do without the Lynx shunt. However, not all batteries have good SOC reporting, especially during the first cycles until the BMS learns the batteries and they get balanced. Keep it for a while, see how the battery SOC stacks up against the Lynx then make your decision.

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Cerbo GX product page

GX family product range

Cerbo GX & GX Touch datasheet

Cerbo GX Manual

Venus root access document

Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic