
pycardie avatar image
pycardie asked

Quattro or Multiplus: is the MK2 necessary to change the charging voltage in the settings?

battery system voltageinverter current draw
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Pycardie,

The MK2 is now discontinued, and superseded by the MK3.

Documentation for the use of the MK3 is in the VEConfigure manual and VictronConnect manual.

All Multi's and Quattros connected to a GX device and the internet can be programmed via Remote VEConfigure, without an MK3.

The aluminium cased Quattro and MultiPlus can be programmed via dip switches on the circuit board. Though it is almost certain your time would be better spent with the MK3 and VictronConnect.

The steel cased MultiPlus-II requires an MK3, or GX device and internet connection.

2 |3000

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pycardie avatar image pycardie commented ·

Thank you Guy. I appreciate your explanations. I will try. Have a good day.

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pycardie avatar image pycardie commented ·

Thank you Guy. This is clear.

So I tried but I cannot connect my CCGX to internet anymore. It was connected for a while: it downloaded the last firmware and even was recognized on my vrm portal but shortly. Now: no connexion. I have put a 3g dongle but no connection.

Maybe because of a bad setting.

So I put in copy the captures of the settings.

If you can see something wrong, please, tell me. Thank you.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ pycardie commented ·

Sorry to ask you to repeat yourself, but as this is a seperate issue, it would be best to help others in the community if this was asked in a new question.

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pycardie avatar image pycardie Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

No problem. I do it.

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