
stevebald avatar image
stevebald asked

Ideal LifePo4 charger

I have a sailboat with 400ah (4x100) LifePo4 batteries. I use an additional dedicated AGM as a start battery which is charged via Orion BTB charger powered off of the LifePo4’s. The boat’s current shore power charger is a 21-year old Sentry 40amp smart charger that is tripping into float mode (at about 50% SOC) much too prematurely for the LifePo4’s. When on a mooring for extended stays, I prefer to re-charge the batteries using a house charger powered by my Honda 1,000 watt generator rather than running the boat’s engine for several hours. Is there an ideal (highest charge output possible) shore charger for the Lifepo4’s that will draw not more than the Honda 8amp output? I’m looking around at the Victorn products and seem to be able to only come up with a 30amp charger such as the Blue Smart IP 22.

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1 Answer
Sten avatar image
Sten answered ·

If you are looking for a bigger charger, you could use 2 30A charger or you could look at the multiplus range of Inverter charger. A charger drawing 8A 120V from your generator would charge at 12V around 75A. The multiplus have the ability to restrict the amp draw from input AC.

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stevebald avatar image stevebald commented ·
Thank you Sten, I will check that out.
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